Open Mix Match Table
M18 Mix Match Table
The 2nd Malaysia National Tchoukball Championships 2019 was successfully organized in Melaka on 23-24 March 2018. It was our pleasure to have YB Kerk Chee Yee (Melaka EXCO of Communication, NGO, Development of Youth and Sports), Ps. Raymond Goh (President of Malaysia Christian Youth Association), Mr. Yong Kuei Yoong (National Council of Young Buddhist Association of Malaysia), Mr. Chong Zhao Jun (Treasurer of YBAM Melaka State Liaison Committee), Mr. Lim Sze Huat (Advisor of GBBM Malacca State) and all the states associations’ leaders to officiate the Opening Ceremony.
We are grateful of YB Kerk and MCYA sponsorship of RM3000 each in 2nd Malaysia National Tchoukball Championships 2019
Open Mix Category
M18 Mix Category